Worldwide Refugee Prayer Needs
Prayer Points
*We pray that you raise up mother- and father figures for orphans world-wide who, in Your Name and under Your guidance, would commit themselves long-term, to take responsibility for the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual needs of these children.
*We pray for safe and lasting homes for orphans, where they can access loving churches, educational opportunities and medical services.
*We pray You would raise up teams of Your followers, who have counted the cost and are ready to be used in Your ingenious and wonderful ways, which will bring glory to Your Name.
*Knit these teams together in love and help them to lay down any self-serving motives; whether in their own name, their churches or organisations’ name. All for Your glory only!
*We especially lift up the plight and misery of homeless, disabled and orphaned children in Mongolia and Russia and the situation of stark poverty amongst many Mongolian families, which often makes it impossible to sustain and care for their children.
*We pray for the advancement and the preaching of the full gospel of Jesus Christ in Mongolia. Protect the people from cults and false religions. May animistic practices, worship of ancestors and of Genghis Khan be abandoned and worship of Jesus Christ alone be taken up.
*May you raise up gifted Bible teachers among themselves, who will be able to bring hope to Mongolian people and manifest the goodness of God, rather than dead religion.
No one accomplishes so much in so little time as when he or she is praying. And the following thought certainly aligns well with all that the Lord Jesus Christ taught on prayer: If only ONE BELIEVER WITH TOTAL FAITH rises up, the history of the world will be changed.
Will YOU be that one to rise up, submitting yourself to the sovereignty and guidance of God our Father? A.E. McAdam, from Streams in the Desert, L.B. Cowman