The Bible and refugees

Promises for Refugees and those who cannot find any human source of help

Psalm 107 New King James Version (NKJV) BOOK FIVE Psalms 107–150 Thanksgiving to the Lord for His Great Works of Deliverance 107 Oh, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good! For His [a]mercy endures forever. 2 Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, Whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy, 3 And gathered out of the lands, From the east and from the west, From the […]

Promises for Refugees and those who cannot find any human source of help Read More »

Reminder: What does GOD say about refugees?

Quoting from the Book of Deuteronomy, Chapter 10, verses 16 to 19: “Circumcise your hearts, therefore, and do not be stiff-necked any longer. 17 For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great God, mighty and awesome, who shows no partiality and accepts no bribes.18 He defends the cause of the

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Latest Situation regarding Papua New Guinea and Manus Island Refugee Situation

Today’s (3/2/2017) Sydney Morning Herald and other major newspapers inform us of the embarassing situation Australia is finding itself in, due to Trump’s unsurprising ?final response regarding the so-called resettlement deal with America, brokered by the Obama administration during his last days in office. Much has been and will be said about this: As Christian

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Brief overview of present – day Greece

Greece’s Economic & Political Climate: The (Greek) economy has shrunk by a quarter in five years, and unemployment is about 25 percent. The (EU) bailout money mainly goes toward paying off Greece’s international loans, rather than making its way into the economy. And the government still has a staggering debt load that it cannot begin

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God’s promises to refugees in Psalm 107

The Israelites, thousands of years ago, found themselves to be wandering in the wilderness, cut off from their previous lives, with only God’s help as their hope and God appointed leaders to help them. Today, there are still millions of people in the same situation, many have never heard of the God who deeply cares for

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Melbourne’s Anglican bishops have again urged the Prime Minister, Mr Malcolm Turnbull, to change the narrative on children in detention despite the High Court decision that there is no legal impediment to returning more than 250 asylum seekers to Nauru. In a published statement The Bishops claim “The fact that a legal determination has been


A few thoughts regarding the turmoil in Europe

My heart goes out to the people in Europe at this time, especially the countries at the epicentre of the latest terrorist event in Paris. I sense great turmoil in the minds and hearts of Europeans, especially so as at the same time they are being flooded by refugees seeking asylum. As it has been revealed

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Further Prayer Needed for Australian Refugee Situation

2 Chronicles 7:14 “…if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” Folks, in light of the article below, which is just another

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Imminent new additional asylum seeker intake (2015) for Australia

Hello dear praying friends! It’s been a while since my last posting. I had a welcome two weeks’ break and attended a four days conference to do with reconciliation in the world-wide Body of Christ. Truly inspiring! Despite my silence, I hope that you have been persevering with praying for the needs of refugees. I

Imminent new additional asylum seeker intake (2015) for Australia Read More »

Some more promises to claim!

As we continue to pray for the latest prayer issue (refugees in and heading for Europe), we all have heard of many of those refugees abandoned in desert areas (the sea of course is another type of “desert area”), often due to people smugglers’ dodgy cars (or boats) braking down, or abandoned in “holding camps”

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Some Principles of Intercession by Pia

This morning, in my study time with the Lord, looking for another scripture, I “accidentally” came across a tremendous scripture to do with our prayer topic (refugees) and the root problem; wars on the earth, whether small or large. The scripture is found in Psalm 46:9 “He makes wars cease to the end of the

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Prayer Points for The Refugee Situation in Europe (2015)

Father God, we lift up the refugee situation in Europe. As wars and the threat of terror posed by many rogue terror groups increases all across the Middle East and the African Continent and as wars and rumours of wars become the norm (Matt. 24:6), we pray that the hearts of Europe’s leaders and its

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The Rohingyas – Prayer Points

As we present ourselves with clean hands and pure hearts before the throne room of Grace, we lift up the following requests on behalf of the Rohingya people:  That Jesus Christ would reveal Himself to many Rohingyas. Although mostly Muslims; Jesus Christ is their Saviour also (Gen. 12:3) [Abraham is called the father of faith

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Prayer for Refugees stationed in Indonesia

We pray for the thousands of refugees stranded in Indonesia, waiting to be resettled in countries such as Australia. Our hearts are appalled at Australia’s present self-protective stand regarding the desperate Indonesian refugees seeking asylum, especially children waiting to be reunited with their families, presently in Australia. We pray for a softening of hearts in

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Indonesia’s Refugee Population

“The Federal Government’s announcement this week that Australia will not resettle any refugees who registered with the United Nations in Indonesia after June 2014 is yet another step in its continuing departure from humanitarian principles and genuine regional cooperation. Further, this latest announcement is unlikely to disrupt the movement of asylum seekers to Indonesia, or

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Prayer for Refugees in Prolonged Detention

*Abba Father, we lift up every man, woman and child who find themselves locked away in a refugee centre or similar situation of detention, where their basic freedoms have been taken away from them and where their hope for a better future in our land has been lost. *We pray for an end of indefinite

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Planning and Problem Solving Approach To Most Issues

REFUGEE ISSUES IN COUNTRIES OF REFUGE   INFORMATION GATHERING Who is doing what? Where? (i.e. Map of country in question with aid sites pinpointed) Identify unfilled gaps (geographical, service provision etc.) List of resources available (i.e. legal, funding, social, material resources etc.)   THE STRATEGY What is our vision? What has God told us to

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Christian Leaders in Refugee Camps

“Many of the 43 million forcibly displaced people in the world today identify themselves as Christians. In my 30 years of serving refugees, I have found that there are many active pastors, priests and Christian leaders serving among them. I have also discovered that few of us are aware that these brothers and sisters and

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Christian Leaders in Refugee Camps – Prayer Needs

• We lift up all Christian workers, missionaries and church leaders in refugee camps and wherever else they may be ministering worldwide to refugees, whether in detention centres or living on the streets. We thank you for their willingness to make themselves available to God, their fellow refugees and/or refugees worldwide, in order to serve

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