Pia’s Reflections: A few thoughts on burden bearing

Looking into the present situation of the most oppressed people group (you guessed it); worldwide refugees (or in your own case any issue(s) that seem overwhelming) those issues can quickly become all-consuming, as I experienced this morning.

There are usually two responses to this sense of utter helplessness; we try to self-medicate through the various means the world has on offer: food, sex, addictive substances, escapist entertainment, workaholism etc. OR we run to Him!

He is sure to comfort us, as this is His promise to us (“Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. [Matt. 11:28]).

So how do I ultimately deal with overwhelmingly difficult scenarios?

First and foremost, I am told in the Lord’s prayer to “hallow Him” (honour Him as holy), looking to Him and keeping my primary focus on Him (Matt. 6:9). That is what sets us apart from any other humanitarian group, and releases His power and wisdom. Nevertheless, hallowing Him is not a means to an end but rather what we were first and foremost created for! It defines the kind of relationship we have with Him; a love relationship (Our Father) but never on an equal (buddy to buddy) basis. He is Almighty (Omnipotent) God; we are His beloved (created) children.

Ahhh! I feel so much better now.

” Not overwork but overflow.”

” Rest is service.”


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