Prayer for Refugees (based on UNHCR statement, 2 April 2020)

Prayer for Refugees

(Based on UNHCR statements)

2 April 2020

  • For countries to manage border restrictions in a manner that respects international human rights and refugee protection standards, through the use of quarantine and health checks;
  • Developed countries to help the less developed to bolster their health systems and for a focus on the most vulnerable; both during the emergency and recovery stages.
  • In Focus: For Colombia’s 1.8 million Venezuelan refugees and migrants, many of whom live hand-to-mouth selling food and other items on the street, the impact has been devastating, reports the Miami Herald. Not only has the coronavirus deprived them of an income, but it has also shuttered many of the organizations they relied on, such as soup kitchens and shelters.
  • Colombia has declared a moratorium on evictions during the health emergency, but one NGO told the Miami Herald they were tracking at least 50 Venezuelan families who had been thrown out of their homes for not paying rent.
  • Pray for Venezuelan back in their own country, who according to their countrymen and women who have fled to other countries, are suffering even more than them, as the country’s economy has collapsed, due to corruption, American sanctions and mismanagement.
  • Fears abound that “invisible” stateless refugees could be denied help if they get coronavirus. Reuters reports on concerns that millions of stateless people worldwide would be unable to access health care if they fall ill with the coronavirus because they have no nationality and lack documentation.
  • Pray that countries ensure that all stateless people can receive medical assistance and help to self-isolate, without risk of arrest or detention. (“Governments must include everyone because no one is protected unless everyone is protected,” said Melanie Khanna, head of UNHCR’s statelessness section).
  • Malaysia, which has a significant stateless population and is battling the largest COVID-19 outbreak in South East Asia, has said it will not arrest undocumented people who come forward for testing. The UN wants other countries to take similar steps.
  • God’s protection for Mediterranean rescue missions who operate, despite virus fears. The Alan Kurdi rescue boat is heading back to the Central Mediterranean for the first time since the coronavirus pandemic started. The Germany charity Sea-Eye, which operates the boat, said the Alan Kurdi expected to reach waters off the coast of Libya by the weekend and would be the only NGO rescue boat operating in the area. Italy placed two other rescue vessels – the Ocean Viking and the Sea Watch 3 – in quarantine last month. The Sea Eye said it had an “outbreak management plan” and had stocked the ship with sufficient personal protective equipment. The charity said it expected to face difficulties finding a safe harbour following any rescues.
  • Pray for Venezuelan medic Samuel Suárez who has been making house calls in the rural region of Ecuador where he now lives to help his vulnerable older patients protect themselves from the coronavirus. Armed with a poster and flyers, he acts out the recommendations for those who can’t read. “Throughout the coronavirus epidemic, I will continue to fight each and every day to share my knowledge,” he said.

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